rules of conduct
Respectful behavior: Treat other members of the forum with respect and courtesy. Avoid offensive or disrespectful comments towards other users.
Constructive communication: Participate in discussions in a constructive way. Share your opinions and ideas, but avoid belittling or putting down others.
No Harassment or Discrimination: Harassment, discrimination, or any form of hate speech will not be tolerated. The forum should be a safe place for all members, regardless of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, or other characteristics.
Respect the Law: Comply with all applicable laws and regulations, both regarding content and conduct on the forum. Distributing illegal content or promoting illegal activities is strictly prohibited.
No spam or advertising posts: Avoid posting spam or unwanted advertising. Posts should be relevant to the discussions in the forum and add value to the community.
Respect sources and copyrights: When sharing information or content from other sources, cite the appropriate sources and respect copyrights and intellectual property.
Follow moderator instructions: Follow instructions and guidelines from forum moderators. Their job is to maintain the order and quality of the forum and their instructions should be respected and followed.
Respect privacy: Avoid sharing personal information about yourself or other members without their consent. Respect the privacy of all members of the forum.
Stay on topic: Try to stay on topic in discussions and not go off topic. This will help maintain the quality of discussions in the forum.
Reporting Violations: If you encounter inappropriate behavior or violations of the forum rules, please report it to the moderators so appropriate action can be taken.
By following these rules of conduct, you will help maintain a positive and respectful community in the AMG63 online forum.